And: PVAc to 44.1khz: The Rings-1981-Rhythm Method
I have been following the MOIS course for about two weeks now. Yesterday I thought I will never make any money doing this. In six years years on the web searching for products and info I could not remember ever landing on a Ezine article, AdSense ad, or Blog. But then I remembered something.
Ok. In 1979 or 80 "The Rings" a Boston band released a self tittled album, their first called "The Rings". Quoted by someone I forget who. WAAF Worcester, Rolling Stone Magazine, Someone as being the next Cars! The Critics hated it! My friends hated it! I thought it was new, fresh and ahead of it's time. Different from anything out there on mainstream radio. I thought it took allota balls to release this record for everyone involved. Much like The Stray Cats Releasing a Rock A Billy album in 1981. I think I was the only one in the state of New Hampshire who actually bought a copy. I was definitely the only one in my High School.
The Point!
When I got online for the first time in 2006 I started looking for this record. I found one on EBay. OK. Now I got the vinyl but vinyl is dead! My only hope of ever hearing these recordings in pristine condition again meant getting a Turntable, Computer software, learning how to use it and hours, maybe days of getting it right.
More to the point!
Four the next four years I searched. Google, Bear share, Limewire searching for anyone who might have the Mp3's. Nothing! Then one night at work when it was slow I did a Google search
For "The Rings Boston band" Without the quotes. This popped up as #2 on Google.
"PVAc to 44.1khz: The Rings-1981-Rhythm Method". Rhythm Method being the title of their second album. I followed the link. Blog Khin not only had the history and the stories but the Mp3's for download for free! Yeeee Haaaa! Praise God! Glory Hallelujah! Kuntakintay I have found you! Man there was some air guitar in my house that night! Do you think I subscribed? Do you think I follow?
The Real Point!
I found this guy at! Out of 2,990,000 results he wound up on the #2 spot on Google. For the search phrase The Rings Boston Band. Nothing else! I felt if he can do it I can too.
Big thanks to Blog Khin! Google and MOIS this could be the blog that saved my life.
If you'd like to start makning money today Click Here
For more about the My Online Income System Click Here
Until next Time...
PVAc to 44.1 kHz: The Rings - 1981 - Rhythm Method
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Easy Work, Good Pay, Flexible Hours
That's really all I was looking for! Easy Work,flexible hours with good pay ! It all started in "93". I moved to the Tampa bay area from Fort lauderdale and was looking for a job. Having only a High School education kinda limited things. I saw an ad in the paper for "Dj Wanted". So I got all dressed up in a suit and tie and went to apply. Boy was I over dressed! The manager at the time Chris Lee a 6' 2" Texan ex, marine drill Sergeant, with arms the size of my leg laid it out pretty plain. He said "I'm very hard on Dj's". "You will do exactly what I tell you to do, Exactly how I tell you to do it, Exactly when I tell you to do it!" Or I will fire you! Do you get me! Well I needed a job so I said OK! There's a lot more to this story and I'll get back to that later.
Right now I need to move along a little bit.
Later on I found that being a Strip Club Dj is pretty easy work. There ain't a lot of physical stress. However there is a lot of mental stress! You always got some silly dancer who wants to hear some slow party killin tune that only she's gonna dig. You got management who wants one thing. You got the customers who want another. And you always got at least one guy in the room that thinks you stink. What fun huh? As far as good pay. At $50 a shift, $10 per girl with 26 girls on a shift. That's $310 a day and I call that good money. And that's minimum some of the girls are good to ya and give you $20 or more. So with only a High school education I was doing pretty good.
So what went wrong? What does all this have to do with maknig money online or getting you Easy work, Good pay, Flexible hours? Well let me tell you a few more things I've learned so far.
What the Internet Guru's Don't want You To know!
Or: What I really shouldn't tell you cause the last thing I want is more compettition!
First: You could go to and read thru the entire site on your own. Take notes. Lots of notes! Then goto and sign up there. Read thru that entire site. Take more notes. Go back to Clickbank pick out 5 products. Then reasearch keywords for each one. Then write 30 ads for each one at usfreeads. They gotta be totally diferent now! OK? The internet hates repitition! All this in a nutshell is what the internet guru's don't want you to know. Because you could do it all on your own! For free! All of this is Totaly free! That's what they don't want you to know. Every so called instant millionaire out there wants you to think you can't do it alone.
And once you start you'll start getting emails from the so called experts. Mostly wanting to sell you something. But they will be packed with tons of good, solid, FREE information. Remember
I said all this is Free! So don't tottaly disregaurd the freebies cause there will be usefull information there.
Now is it easier to follow someone else's guide? Ya it is. Especially if they have a good support team. Don't ever buy into a program that doesn't offer two things. Money back Guarantee! Good Support! Some of us need guidance, support and a good teacher. Which is why I signed up for the program I did.
You can get started today by simply monetizing your blog! I did and I made $2.57 in 48 hours! Ya I know that ain't even a gallon of gas. But it's 2 bucks I didn't have and proof that it works! I've written 3 blog entries. I'm not even half way through the program and I made 2 bucks. I call that Easy work!
If you'd like to know more or get started for as little as $17.95 check out some of the links on this page. Back soon with more info.
Start making money today Click Here
For more on the My Online Income System Click Here
Right now I need to move along a little bit.
Later on I found that being a Strip Club Dj is pretty easy work. There ain't a lot of physical stress. However there is a lot of mental stress! You always got some silly dancer who wants to hear some slow party killin tune that only she's gonna dig. You got management who wants one thing. You got the customers who want another. And you always got at least one guy in the room that thinks you stink. What fun huh? As far as good pay. At $50 a shift, $10 per girl with 26 girls on a shift. That's $310 a day and I call that good money. And that's minimum some of the girls are good to ya and give you $20 or more. So with only a High school education I was doing pretty good.
So what went wrong? What does all this have to do with maknig money online or getting you Easy work, Good pay, Flexible hours? Well let me tell you a few more things I've learned so far.
What the Internet Guru's Don't want You To know!
Or: What I really shouldn't tell you cause the last thing I want is more compettition!
First: You could go to and read thru the entire site on your own. Take notes. Lots of notes! Then goto and sign up there. Read thru that entire site. Take more notes. Go back to Clickbank pick out 5 products. Then reasearch keywords for each one. Then write 30 ads for each one at usfreeads. They gotta be totally diferent now! OK? The internet hates repitition! All this in a nutshell is what the internet guru's don't want you to know. Because you could do it all on your own! For free! All of this is Totaly free! That's what they don't want you to know. Every so called instant millionaire out there wants you to think you can't do it alone.
And once you start you'll start getting emails from the so called experts. Mostly wanting to sell you something. But they will be packed with tons of good, solid, FREE information. Remember
I said all this is Free! So don't tottaly disregaurd the freebies cause there will be usefull information there.
Now is it easier to follow someone else's guide? Ya it is. Especially if they have a good support team. Don't ever buy into a program that doesn't offer two things. Money back Guarantee! Good Support! Some of us need guidance, support and a good teacher. Which is why I signed up for the program I did.
You can get started today by simply monetizing your blog! I did and I made $2.57 in 48 hours! Ya I know that ain't even a gallon of gas. But it's 2 bucks I didn't have and proof that it works! I've written 3 blog entries. I'm not even half way through the program and I made 2 bucks. I call that Easy work!
If you'd like to know more or get started for as little as $17.95 check out some of the links on this page. Back soon with more info.
Start making money today Click Here
For more on the My Online Income System Click Here
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Getting Started/ For Real This Time!

It's been too long since I blogged! Way too long. I can't believe How fast two years went by. Now I got to learn how to all over again!
For the past 2 years I've been looking into making money online because I'm tired of getting Fired every year or so for no good reason. This is just a little of what I've learned so far about Making Money Online.
First! If a job, any job says you have to pay to work there. Even if it's just a dollar! It's not a job!
It's a scam! Guaranteed!
Two years ago I Signed up for Average Joe's Income Package. Although I found the product to be pretty much what it said it would be. I was lost. I found it more suited for someone who had a clue. And not a total beginner. If your truly interested in Making money online and are a true beginner then I don't recommend this package. Also their site doesn't seem to be working and some of the info is already outdated. Yea! In only two years! Imagine that.
Second thing I found out! I should say first. I didn't make any money with average Joe's! Why? Because It's A Job! If you want any online business to succeed You have to Work. I didn't and so I failed.
After 2 years of looking into making money online off and on. I found The
Making Money Online Income System!
I spent 4 days online a few hours a day trying to find something? Anything negative about it? I couldn't. The thing I did find was almost every post said MOIS( for short ) was geared toward the total beginner! That's for me I thought.
So I'm getting started For Real This Time! I'll be posting new stuff here from time to time because it's part of the mission plan. Also it's my JOB! Bummer huh?
For now if you would like to know more about Making Money Online especially the MOIS
system. Follow the links below.
Start making money today Click Here
For more on the My Online Income System Click Here
That's all for today. Back soon feel free to comment or let me know what you think.
For the past 2 years I've been looking into making money online because I'm tired of getting Fired every year or so for no good reason. This is just a little of what I've learned so far about Making Money Online.
First! If a job, any job says you have to pay to work there. Even if it's just a dollar! It's not a job!
It's a scam! Guaranteed!
Two years ago I Signed up for Average Joe's Income Package. Although I found the product to be pretty much what it said it would be. I was lost. I found it more suited for someone who had a clue. And not a total beginner. If your truly interested in Making money online and are a true beginner then I don't recommend this package. Also their site doesn't seem to be working and some of the info is already outdated. Yea! In only two years! Imagine that.
Second thing I found out! I should say first. I didn't make any money with average Joe's! Why? Because It's A Job! If you want any online business to succeed You have to Work. I didn't and so I failed.
After 2 years of looking into making money online off and on. I found The
Making Money Online Income System!
I spent 4 days online a few hours a day trying to find something? Anything negative about it? I couldn't. The thing I did find was almost every post said MOIS( for short ) was geared toward the total beginner! That's for me I thought.
So I'm getting started For Real This Time! I'll be posting new stuff here from time to time because it's part of the mission plan. Also it's my JOB! Bummer huh?
For now if you would like to know more about Making Money Online especially the MOIS
system. Follow the links below.
Start making money today Click Here
For more on the My Online Income System Click Here
That's all for today. Back soon feel free to comment or let me know what you think.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Making Money Online

March 18, 2008
They call me 3D. You probably came here hoping to make money on line. Well I'll help you with that if I can, but I'm really just getting started.
For the past 14 years I've made my living as a strip joint DJ and am very good at it. But if you don't know the inner workings of a strip club let me tell you it's not what it looks like! (more on that later) Fell free to ask me anything you want about strip clubs in general. I've only worked at a couple dozen so I won't be able to tell about any specific clubs other than the ones I've worked at.
You see after all this time I finally got tired of getting fired every so often for no reason what so ever. So a few days ago I started learning how to make money online! Creating this blog is one of the first steps.
As I go along day by day I'll be adding more about about Myself, What's going on and how it's going.
Thats all for today. I will be here daily so feel free to chat with me.
Start making money today Click Here
For more on the My Online Income System Click Here
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