March 18, 2008
They call me 3D. You probably came here hoping to make money on line. Well I'll help you with that if I can, but I'm really just getting started.
For the past 14 years I've made my living as a strip joint DJ and am very good at it. But if you don't know the inner workings of a strip club let me tell you it's not what it looks like! (more on that later) Fell free to ask me anything you want about strip clubs in general. I've only worked at a couple dozen so I won't be able to tell about any specific clubs other than the ones I've worked at.
You see after all this time I finally got tired of getting fired every so often for no reason what so ever. So a few days ago I started learning how to make money online! Creating this blog is one of the first steps.
As I go along day by day I'll be adding more about about Myself, What's going on and how it's going.
Thats all for today. I will be here daily so feel free to chat with me.
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